The best way to welcome your visitors, is to recognize them
Visitors fill in details once
Visitors only fill in their details once, either onsite or at home through pre-registration
They get recognized
Visitors get recognized when they arrive at your location for the most seamless experience possible
Kenai does the rest
Digitally logs all visits prints visitor badges and notifies hosts when visitors arrive
Works for any building
The Kenai kiosk can be configured for single or multi tenant locations with each company getting access to the full suite of kenai features
Single Tenanted
Kenai scales across all of your office locations through a simple hierarchy system, while giving central oversight over all your visitors
Multi Tenanted
Every visitor to your building signs in through a single Kenai kiosk, while all tenants get the benefit of the full suite of Kenai features
Your visitors, your brand
At Kenai we want to enhance your brand, and that’s why we make it easy for you to customize the full visitor journey with your logo and colours carried throughout.
Kenai has completely transformed our visitor experience into a delightful journey from pre-registration to physical sign in
Eswee VorsterHead of IT and Innovation at FlySafair